Ansprechperson: Jana Nagl
E-Mail: jana.nagl@now-gmbh.de
Vom 03. bis 04.05.2023 findet die dritte Ausgabe der chargeTec: Charging Technologies & Infrastructure for E-Vehicles in München statt.
Die Schwerpunkte der Konferenz (englischsprachig):
1. Bi-Directional Charging – AC/DC
2. High Power Charging & All-in-One Solutions
3. Megawatt Charging Systems (MCS) for Commercial Vehicles
4. AutoCharge and Plug & Charge
5. Smart Charging Infrastructure
6. Energy Availability in Cities
7. Intelligent Charging in Commercial Properties and Multi-Party Buildings
8. Cybersecurity for Charging Systems
Keynote von Johannes Pallasch, Sprecher des Leitungsteams der Nationalen Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur am 4.05.2023, 08:50 Uhr: Vision for the Charging Infrastructure in 2030. On the way to an Overall Charging Infrastructure System.