Wissing: Tender to be launched in September

Wissing: Tender to be launched in September

The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) today held an online information event on the tendering process for a nationwide fast-charging truck network tender at around 130 unmanaged rest areas as part of the market consultation.

Starting signal for the truck fast-charging network

Starting signal for the truck fast-charging network

Under the slogan ‘Power to the Road’, the Federal Minister Dr. Volker Wissing and Dr. Robert Habeck, together with the main network operators and the industry association BDEW, today officially launched the fast-charging network for trucks along federal motorways.

Efficient and standardised approval of charging infrastructure

Efficient and standardised approval of charging infrastructure

Entitled “Establishing charging infrastructure in the municipality” (“Ladeinfrastruktur in der Kommune aufbauen”), the publication includes practical guidelines, checklists and best practice examples that illustrate how municipalities can organise approval procedures more efficiently. It thereby defines a standardised and comprehensible nationwide approval process for the expansion of charging infrastructure.

Restart of the StandortTOOL with additional functions – Leap from information tool to planning tool

Restart of the StandortTOOL with additional functions – Leap from information tool to planning tool

The National Centre for Charging Infrastructure has launched a new version of the StandortTOOL today as part of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport’s charging infrastructure conference. It is primarily aimed at municipal planning officers and network operators, but also targets an interested public as well as charging infrastructure operators, stakeholders from research and science, the press as well as other media.